Three Coats and Sugar

  • Bad Bitch

    It had not been an easy week for our family. On an early Wednesday morning this week at our local church , I found myself talking to Mama Mary but ...
  • Mental Health Week

    A poem and a painting tribute to Mental Health Awareness Week 2021.
  • Love, Change and Chaos

    After more than 100 days of lockdown in one of the most restricted areas in Sydney,the talk of going back to work face to face is making me question what I have learned this time around with Sydney's Pandemic Lockdown 2.0. 
  • Raw and Raging

    A collection of poems written during Sydney’s 2021 Covid-19 lockdown. Living in one of LGAs of concern, we have experienced the strictest restrictions imposed on Sydneysiders. The poems are raw and it ranged from soft to raging whilst expressing views on love, melancholy, race and longing.
  • The Art of Becoming

    Sharing my five takeouts from the short course I did on Art Therapy for Positive Mind and Wellness.