Raw and Raging

A collection of poems written during Sydney’s 2021 Covid-19 lockdown. Living in one of LGAs of concern, we have experienced the strictest restrictions imposed on Sydneysiders. The poems are raw and it ranged from soft to raging whilst expressing views on love, melancholy, race and longing.


sweet rain lullaby

soothing like peppermint tea

love me as i fall


hello melancholy!

who invites you?

barging in early morning

my eyes barely open

i am yet to have my coffee

how dare you interrupt me?

when i’m talking

when i’m driving

when i’m on the train

when i’m waiting in line

when i’m in the crowd

your audacity is relentless

even catching me in darkness

but then i wonder what it’s like

if you stop your uninvited visits

would i truly be happy?

would i forget you easy?

you are part of me


brown is not

your colour

it is mine

i am red,


and blue

i am the


of the soil

where plants


i am

one of you

only if

i stay

in my box

you just want

me as a shadow

not heard

barely seen

do as i say

you say

not as i do

or say hello

to the army

brown is not

your colour

it is mine


alone by the window

i saw a glimpse of you

i was ecstatic

then you left

i cried



i remember

the magic of spring

the air fusing with light and lollipop pink

mermaids singing in the moonlight

sunflowers dancing under the sun

hearts entwined like lovers do

until the autumn wind



hand in hand uphill

angry clouds towering us

our hearts embraced



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